Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Cool Afternoon - Week 2

This picture was taken just outside my apartment at a little past noon. The sun, though covered by cloud, is still shining quite brightly through them. From this angle, the trees and buildings cast a shadow against the ground. The shadows seem to have a cool, light blue quality to them. The light here seems very refreshing and relaxing. I like how the sunlight still passes the clouds and through the leftmost edge of the tree on the right. I also find it interesting that the shadows seem rather bluish despite the sky being covered up. I would think that shadows would only appear blue because they reflect the colors of the sky. Do outside shadows normally look blue in natural lighting, even if the sky is covered up? This makes me rather curious, and I'm probably going to be watching the way colors look under shadows now.

1 comment:

  1. The camera is showing the blue quality of the sunlight probably more than your eye would have but you are seeing the high kelvin temperature of the sun (6500kelvin) - our eyes adjust this to something we think of as "white light" but the camera is showing the real color temperature.

    Nice analysis of the photo and ties to emotion.
