Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2: A Glimpse of Heaven

I took this picture this past weekend upon visiting my sister in Encinitas, California. It is a small surf town about 45 minutes south of Newport Beach, where I live. There are some gorgeous look out points along the Pacific Coast highway, and anytime during the day one can see the surfers out on the water trying to catch the waves. I could not believe how brilliant the colors in the sky were. A storm off on the horizon threatened to ruin the perfect evening, but the rays of deep orange, gold, and fuchsia shown through and created a spectacular show. One of the most beautiful facets of this picture is how the clouds in the distance reflect off of the water and the smooth sand so the sea and land almost blend together, creating one massive surface. We cannot even be sure if the surfer is on land or water. This effect is so surreal and looks as though taken out of a dream, especially since the lighting is warmer and soft. The glow of the light is dreamy and comforting.


  1. Great photo and analysis of it in terms of light, objects (clouds) and it emotional impact on you

    Nice post!

  2. Love the photo! I like your description of the colors and how the reflections create a surreal look.
