Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2: Light Years Away

Okay, so I feel like a dork. For some reason I thought the blog was due next Sunday. Oh well! Lesson learned! Moving on...

So the picture quality isn't that great because I took it on my phone, but that's okay-- the gist is there. I took this picture before class on Wednesday. I had just walked into the class and noticed two of the electrics were down. One of them was shining down on the other and for some reason that was so fascinating to me. In theater, we work so hard to conceal how we do everything. We have so many masking curtains that we need names for them all. So I guess in a way it was sort of enthralling to see them so illuminated and out in the open. It felt like a secret being revealed. The juxtaposition of light versus dark was also an emotion-evoking sight. I love seeing shadows at play.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo and analysis of what you are seeing

    There is kind of a haunting grandeur about this photo as well suggesting something larger and something about to happen

    Nice post
