Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cooling off at Moss Cove

This past weekend a friend and I decided we needed a break from stress, so we took a trip up to Moss Cove Beach in Laguna. Now although I didn't technically take this particular photo (he did), I fell in love with the lighting and wanted to put it in my lighting blog.
This day was a perfect combination of relaxation and fun. The soft yellow light just above the ocean (at the horizon), coupled with the light breaking through in the upper left hand corner of the photo show the energy within the calm hues of blue. Another reason why I chose this photo is because of the perspective. Since it was from our point of view, it is easier for the observer to visualize the tone of this photo and the way the lighting further accents that tone. Also by having it from this perspective, you can see the way the sunlight was hitting us (the source). It wasn't a harsh, overbearing type of light, but rather a softer, cool light. The seagull was pretty cool too.


  1. Great ties from color, angle and perspective to get to emotion!

  2. Please remember to post week # with the subject line

