Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 10: Don't walk here alone at night...

This is a creepy hallway if ever I've seen one. This is the staircase leading up to the Parking & Transportation Center way on the other side of campus. The weird thing is, this staircase isn't exactly inside a building; the bottom of these stairs opens right out into a bright and sunny parking lot, and just around the corner at the top of the stairs the sun is also shining bright. But in between these areas of natural light, I had to venture through this weirdly-lit hallway that made me feel like I was in a horror film being pursued by an ax murderer. The light wasn't just that awkward fluorescent color-- it was a disconcerting reddish-orange. Most hallway lights are either white, yellowish, or oddly greenish, but this light's strong red-orange hue made me feel like I was being beamed up through a portal onto Mars through the single light fixture directly above me. Even though the hallway was probably very cool in temperature, the lighting made it seem like I was walking into an oven, and I was acutely aware of how uncomfortable I felt just because of the lighting.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the type of light is an HID called LPS (low pressure sodium - sometimes referred to as a bug light). This must have been lit a while back as we really do not use them anymore. The wavelength of light is so thin that it negates and distorts most colors, thus giving you the extremely unnatural feelings

    Nice post!
