Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sad but Happy? Cool contrast- Week 8

Hey all, How's it going? Why I love the light in this photo is because by all means it should be a sad moody type photo, but it isn't. I took this photo in Brooklyn at my friend's apartment complex. Don't ask me why the view is amazing and how he manages to live at such an upscale sight because I could hardly believe it myself. The wonderful sight in the back round is covered by the foggy clouds, yet it helps convey the city as a wonder of mystery. It piques the curiosity and you kind of want to explore it. I just love that mysterious feel of Manhattan in the back round and contrasting it with the uplifting feel in the front. It was really foggy that day and despite the weather, this is a really uplifting happy photo of friends enjoying each others company. It really expands on that idea of how light of any color can give off a different mood or intention by changing the intensity. Bringing this idea back towards theater lighting, I could see how if you see up the lighting to be a warm sunny day in California, you could still use those same lights and still make the set be sunny, but also tell the story of whats happening in the scene.

1 comment:

  1. Great observances on context - so much of what the actor is saying/doing in a show helps to frame what we do as designers and vise versa

    Nice post
