Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 10: My Cousin

This is a picture of my cousin, Kevin. I took this when my family and I went to get some dinner to celebrate a birthday. I really liked this picture because I felt like the lighting really helped convey the mood of this photograph. For so background description, I love Kevin because he is a hard worker, kind hearted and just overall a really nice guy. He works really hard and he doesn't complain at all. He keeps a lot to himself and sometimes I feel like he has a lot of pain and worries, but he just masks it with a smile and a positive attitude. With this lighting, I really think that pain and weariness really shows through this picture. The shadows that cover most of his face really accentuates his dark eye circles. The small light lining the profile of his face creates an emphasis on his face and also provides a great contrast with the shadows on his face. This just shows how lighting can really alter the mood and tone of a photograph and emphasis the underlying emotions coming from the subject.

Can't believe this quarter has gone by so fast. I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to take photos and I loved learning how to use the gels and set up my own cues. I definitely have a better appreciation for lighting. Thank you for the wonderful class!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post - I looked at the photo and thought most of the things that I then read in your description so obviously I am in complete agreement

    Nice work!
