Sunday, March 18, 2012

Portal to the Sky - Week 10

While walking back to my apartment from campus, I noticed how dark and pretty the sky looked and decided to take a picture of it. This is not what it looked like. The sky was far more saturated in color and bluer in hue. The walls were far darker and grayer. I think that the flash on the camera, as well as the lights caught near the bottom of the picture warmed up all of the colors in the photo. Initially I was somewhat annoyed that I didn't get the nice cool colors I had seen, I did rather end up liking the end result.

I really like the contrast of the cool light blue getting gradually darker to the warm orange. The way the orange surrounds the blue is somewhat reminiscent of a portal to an outside world. The warm, dark clouds seem to slowly encroach on the open cool blue in an almost mysterious manner. This definitely turned out far better than I had expected.

1 comment:

  1. A perfect study in foreground and background and how we are drawn to a warm/cool combination

    Really nice post!
