Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rainbow on the Horizon - Week 4

Last night I was at Huntington Beach, hoping to get a nice sunset picture to use for the blog. To my distress I was still eating as the sun went down, and it was difficult to get a picture from inside the restaurant. Luckily for me when I made it outside I happened upon this glorious phenomenon that I have never noticed before. The picture does not do it justice, but in person there was this amazingly clear rainbow effect that you could see stretching from the horizon into the deep blue of the night sky. Right at the horizon there is the red and orange, a little bit of fuzzy yellow in the middle, and then very clear green through violet at the top. I don't know how many times I've been on a beach at sunset and never noticed this before, but now that I see it I'll be sure to look for it from now on.

As far as how this applies to lighting, I think I'll have a much better understanding of how to make a realistic sunset with light. Traditionally you kind of think of just oranges and pinks, but seeing how every color is visibly present I think could become a very nice effect when projected onto a cyc.

1 comment:

  1. Nice image and observation

    It is often times very difficult to make this in the theatre, which is why we use a ground row, top cyc lights and also project gobos on to it

    Nice post
