Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 6: Color Wheel on Campus

I took this photo the other day while on the way to Hello Again rehearsal. The shot is from crossing the Humanities bridge from the Student Center, headed towards Humanities Plaza. This literally stopped me in my tracks because of all the colors I was seeing at once. The sky had created an insane blend of indigo, blue, and magenta and I thought about how awesome that would be to create on a cyc. What I also love about this is the source of light coming from HIB from inside all the hallways. This reminded me a lot of the effects I saw in Merchant of Venice and how the lighting designer had backlight coming through the left and right wood panels. The colors here are so aesthetically pleasing, and the orange/yellow of the building light mixes so nicely with the cyan and magenta of the background. Since we're jumping into gels soon, I couldn't help but notice how nature creates these wonderful pictures for us. Nature's own color wheel for the win!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed this

    Very nice image and great exploration of naturally bold light and its tie to theatrical lighting
