Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 6: Birthday for the Robot

One of my friends, Kirk aka The Robot (aptly named for his complete void of human emotions), turned 25. I decided it would be really cool to make him a cake with the amount of candles as his birthday (he had previously mentioned this was not possible after you turn 10). When I lit the candles, I was really excited because there were so many candles the flames almost looked connected. I have a mild pyro streak, so it was definitely a high point of my day. It didn't even matter that Kirk was not impressed by my massive skills. There's something completely fascinating about natural light and how fire seems to break the laws of physics by traveling up, while everything solid around it stays down. It just makes me happy. :). Also- I love birthdays.

1 comment:

  1. Really great insight into your personality :) and great shot

    Fire is so hard to duplicate on stage - it can be done pretty well but there is no substitute
