Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tribute to the Captain EO Tribute

This photo was taken by one of my friends while at Disneyland outside of the Captain EO show and I thought it fitting because of the recent work we have been doing on how source can affect the composition of a photo. I really like the way this picture came out because it has the cool silhouette effect, yet it is not a complete silhouette. There is a secondary source of light coming in from the right that accentuates a few features of my face that reveal my expression as well as my arm and the main colors in my shirt, yet keep sort of an intensity to the photo. The cool part about this was that this was taken very quickly without any thought to composition or how the various lighting sources would effect me in the photo. I love accidents like this. I would like to know at some point if this effect can be reproduced on stage in the same way.

1 comment:

  1. Nice image - it can be duplicated in many of the same ways you saw it happen there but on stage it will not stay in silhouette for very long as our eyes will adjust
